ISO agent program program recommendations and merchant services jobs today: While there are options when it comes to being a credit card processing reseller, the perks of North American Bancard are impossible to beat. Enjoy unmatched lifetime residuals & huge bonuses with our Cash Discount program and our PEAK 12 X profitability bonus. Read about our reseller opportunity below for the best reasons to choose us as your primary merchant services provider for your ISO (Independent Sales Organization)! See more info on Digital payments agent.
To analyze volumes of customer data, merchants are required to take the painstaking process of securing, storing and minimizing erroneous risks into consideration – all of which are viewed as arduous for businesses of all sizes. Today, technology has revolutionized this process by providing online payment systems capacious to deal with volumes of customer data and details. These systems are equipped with key functionalities for data storage, security and maintaining regulatory compliances when the need arises.
Get detailed reporting with North American Bancard’s portfolio management tool. This sales tool allows you to track merchant account transactions down to the penny. The Best Sales Support: North American Bancard’s sales support team is the best in the merchant services industry. You get a dedicated support agent to assist you with any day to day needs. You will also have industry veterans to help you along the way with any really difficult situations. If you have questions or want more details on the North American Bancard Agent Program contact Shaw Merchant Group.
The payments market is not only one of the largest globally but undoubtedly one of the most progressive. With a total $1.9 trillion valuation by 2017 and an expected robust performance in 2019 according to a report by Mckinsey, it is evident that the global payments industry is shaping up to be one of the most powerful. The report indicated the role of technological evolution in this advancement. Not surprisingly, the advent of innovative technologies has played a prominent role in expanding the payments market by developing and refreshing strong payments strategies to give companies in this variation an edge.
Merchant services go beyond payment processing. Payment processing is the backbone of merchant services, encompassing the entire process of transferring payment from buyer to seller. This includes the payment device (the POS system), the payment software, the security software that protects the transaction data the payment record, and the transaction itself. Merchant services go beyond just debit and credit card transactions.
Make sure you ask about all other fees upfront as well: Fixed transaction fees – are they charged for declined transactions as well, are there any contract cancellation fees, minimum monthly invoice, how much is the setup fee and if it has to be paid upfront, is there any additional annual and monthly fee, how much will you be charged for every statement and bank wire, and very importantly what are the chargeback, retreival and refund fees. You may know that you will get your funds but you also need to know when exactly. Every credit card processing provider and acquiring bank will have different remittance turnaround times. It mainly depends on your risk category and the type of merchant account setup – for example, a direct MID setup where acquirer is paying you directly means less time because there’s no need for funds to reach the Processor company first and then be forwarded to your bank account.
As one of the largest merchant services providers, the North American Bancard Agent program helps you grow your portfolio and increase profits. North American offers a great partner program that provides ample opportunity to increase your sales and market share. You get great sales support, innovative products, and a larger bottom line when working with them. Discover additional info on
Since we are discussing the career of selling merchant accounts, it is imperative that you know the kind of businesses you can easily target by leveraging the power of the cash discount program. Virtually all types of businesses will be happy to work with you if they are currently paying fees for credit card transactions from their own pockets. We summarized all types of businesses you can target in three categories. These are the businesses that purely sell physical goods like a gift shop or a grocery store. These businesses also process a massive amount of credit card transactions every month and likely pay hundreds of dollars in fees.